Friday, June 09, 2006

Welcome to my blog!

I have to admit, I have never bogged before. I have heard about it, yes, on TV and on the internet, but I haven't read but perhaps 10 blogs in all my life.

So why am I starting my own blog, you may ask? Because I am a born writer. I have been reading and writing since I was a small child, and all through elementary school, I entered into writing contests. In junior high, I even won a whole $50 in a writing contest, and I was so proud of myself. The fame, the fortune, the money that was coming my way! I blew my entire wad on candy and was sick for a whole week.

Somehow or another though, on my way to even more fame and fortune than I had already acheived, life sort of got in the way, and I decided that I needed to find a "real" job, where I could make "real" money. Which I am currently doing. But despite the regular checks coming in, I have found that I still miss my creative side. Where else but writing could you be rewarded for telling the story exactly how you want to tell it, even if it isn't exactly how it happened? In other aspects of life, this is called lying. In the writer's world, this is called being creative. I like being creative.

So welcome to the world as Hava sees it. You may not love all my blogs, but I will surely love writing them!

1 comment:

Lettie said...

Hi Havs,

Everyone is asking about you on the forum. Including me of course. We miss you and would like to know what you are up to now. Your stories are so interesting to us and we love you dearly girl. Come and visit when you have time.
