Sunday, June 11, 2006

I want to rule the world

Is that so much to ask? I don't think so! I have a very good friend, Jackie, who is going to be moving to Mesa, Arizona, by the end of this month. This has completely and utterly broken my heart. I have fought this move with everything I had in me. The husband of my friend has found a job down there, working for a union, and although he would only start out at an okay wage, he would eventually be getting paid $30 an hour by the end of 5 years. That is great, and I am glad he has found something that could turn out to be such a great job for him (he has been searching for a job up in my neck of the woods, Idaho, for about 6 months and has found nothing that would work) but that doesn't mean that the 6 year old inside of me doesn't want to jump up and down and yell, "That's not fair!!!!" at the top of my lungs. Just because the 25 year old part of me knows that isn't kosher to do, doesn't mean that the 6 year old part of me cares.

It doesn't help that I am one of the most stubborn people on the face of the planet. When I have it in my mind to do something, only God or a natural disaster (and sometimes not even that!) can stop me. I decided that this couple simply wasn't going to move. I wasn't going to let them. I was going to find a job for the husband up here, and he was going to be able to stay.

After two failed attempts (the second of which was only yesterday, and we were so close, yet so far away it turns out,) I have finally waved the white flag of defeat. The husband left this morning to drive to Arizona, and will start his new job tomorrow.

I spent the afternoon crying.

I know that I have been a basketcase about this, and that when three weeks finally gets here, and Jackie truly leaves, I will most likely go off the deep end. Most people are probably thinking, "What's the big deal? This girl moves. Get on with your life!" but for me, Jackie has been one of the closest friends I have ever had in my entire life. She is a once-in-a-lifetime gem, someone who has been there for me through thick and thin. I make friends easily, but true friends like her are one in a million. We have laughed together, and lately, we seem to do a lot of crying together too. We walk in the mornings for an hour every day; we see each other throughout the day...We rarely go 24 hours without seeing each other for one thing or another. The idea of her leaving me behind while she moves to Arizona just breaks my heart.

Can't I rule the world for just one day? I promise I would give the power back on Tuesday. All I need is a little magic and some free housing to give to them. Okay, make that a whole lot of magic...



1 comment:

Hava said...

LOL! So sorry, Kaka, I did forget. Okay, you can rule with me, but remember, we have to turn the power back over by Tuesday. We could make that Tuesday night though... ;-)
