Sunday, October 01, 2006

I'm feeling so lucky right now

This one has to be a quick post because my to-do list tonight is horrendously long, but I just wanted to say thank you to all people who commented on this blog and on the CS forums. It has really meant a lot to me that y'all care about me enough to take the time to write sweet things to me. :)

I had a boss who told me once: "The only person who never makes a mistake is the person who never gets out of bed. You made a mistake--so what? At least that means you got out of bed to do it." He will most likely remain my all-time favorite boss, just because he was such a great guy. And a millionaire. He let me name his baby colt who will someday turn into a racing champion, I hope! (He raises race horses as a "hobby," I kid you not.)

But that's all off topic. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone, and also to say (yet again) that I am making the goal of writing in this blog more regularly. I'm really stinking it up, in terms of how steady my posts have been. ;) That's gonna change, promise. :)


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